About Me

I was born in Batman city which is Northeast of Turkey. I have done my four years healthcare education as Emergency Medical Technician at Batman Health Vocational High School between 1996-2000 years. Moreover, I have graduated as Industrial Engineering from Marmara University,Turkey in 2005 and did my master with “Organizing Supplier Chain Activities of Gretsch Unitas” thesis at FHOOW, Germany in 2007. Furthermore, I have done my PhD in numerical methods with “The Effect of Information Technology in Turkish Healthcare System: E-Prescription Case Study” PhD thesis at Business Administration Department, AtatürkUniversity, Turkey between 2009-2014 years. Moreover, I have published more than 25 international articles at famous SSCI, ISI etc. indexed journals and also a book named as “Self Assessment and Reorganization of a Group to Establish a Holding” was published in 2012. In addition, I can talk Turkish, English, Kurdish and German fluently.

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PhD in numerical methods with “The Effect of Information Technology in Turkish Healthcare System